If you must go, then go for a while
Remember that first step is a hard traveled mile.
To learn what lessons life has in store,
You must be willing to open each door.
Don't be afraid to experience something new
For each experience will be a benefit to you.
Never live your life in the past
Enjoy every day as if it were your last
Mistakes you will make along the way
Learn from them, and you'll be okay
Set your goals high and strive for them
As long as you try, you'll never be condemned
Be kind and respect the people you meet
For they may be the ones to make life complete
Be sincere in everything you do
And treat others as you wish they would you
Whatever you do, make sure you're content
For the last thing you want is something to resent
So if you must go, then go for a while
And when you return, return with a smile.